This photo is for my rule of thirds practice!! The subject is the house and porch, but I also didn't want it to distract too much from nature as I wanted to capture a pleasing photo rather than a specific subject. The top of the house is on the top third line, while the bottom of the porch is on the bottom third line. In addition, the edge of the porch fence lines up to the left third line

Another for my rule of 3rds! For this one I wanted to experiment with having the same subject in two different spaces, so I chose two sets of connecting stairs. I think it turned out nice :) The wall fits in between the top, bottom, and right third lines. The post (? I'm not sure what they're called) is lined up on the right third line. The bottom of the stairs in the frame line up with the left third line.

Yet another rule of 3rds, because I had to do 5 of them. I decided to make the subject not the art room, and instead do something that normally wouldn't look dynamic like the entrance. The wall lines up with the right third line, the paper is lined up with the bottom third line, and the number plaque is centered in the top left third line

You know the drill, I tried for this one to make the subject (the exit sign) something that didn't take up that much of the photo, it ended up not being super clear that it's the subject, but I think it works and looks good. The bottom of the exit sign is lined up with the top third line, the doorway is lined up with the left third line, the window is lined up with the right third line

Final one!! The subject of this is the rock, which is centered in the left and bottom third lines, while ending on the top and right third lines.